Sunday 1 May 2016


Lose Belly Fat With Personal Trainers

Are looking for an appropriate dress for a forthcoming occasion? No matter what you wear for an occasion, the primary concern for any of us is to hide the flab that hangs around our stomach. This excess weight around tummy area makes it difficult to fit in clothes of one’s own choice.

According to various studies and details offered by IIFYM Coach, it has been observed that a major segment of people experience weight gain in tummy area. The reasons for acquiring abdominal weight are sedentary lifestyle i.e. a routine devoid of exercise, spoilt eating habits and genetic factors. 

However, you need not to worry thinking that you will have to live with it forever. Here are some of the best-picked practices that will help you in curbing such weighty issues while taking assistance of Personal trainer Atlanta. 

Sleep To Kill Fat

As suggested by IIFYM Coach, belly weight is the first issue you will address when the sleeping hours are not adequate. Getting seven hours of sleep keeps all the intensity levels balanced. Sleeping for lesser durations is responsible for production of more ghrelin, which is responsible for triggering cravings that make you look eat more. So sleep well to maintain the right belly mass.

Proteins & Fats

Proteins are responsible for burning stomach fat faster than any other nutrient. These have higher thermic effect, making sure that you are able to burn sufficient fat while you eat. Other nutrient that helps in burning fat efficiently is fats. Many believe that fats are bad and make you even fatter but truth is, it is lack of exercise and nutrition. 

Limit Sugar & Alcohol

Sugar is the biggest enemy for those who are fighting with issues like stomach weight. Curb sugar cravings by adding a pinch of cinnamon to your diet. Alcohol makes its way directly to stomach and creates flab around that area. Consumption of alcohol has to be limited to make sure that you acquire a flat belly. This is something that even your Personal trainer Atlanta would suggest you to work upon.

Exercises For Losing Stomach Weight

Looking for some help for dealing with weight loss, if yes than then opt for IIFm Coach in Atlanta. All the below mentioned exercises are as interesting as their names sound. Try them and say ‘hi’ to a flat belly.
Bicycle Exercise – This exercise focuses on muscles and oblique in stomach area. Lay down and bent your knees and start paddling them. Perform this exercise daily for 3 minutes. 

Jack Knife Sit Ups – As per Personal trainer Atlanta, it is quite a complex sit up exercise owing to the involvement of abdominal muscles. Lie on a mat with straight legs and hands followed by lowering your feet and head.

Crunches – This exercise helps in toning and tightening your stomach and shoulder muscles. Those who are suffering from neck pain, sit ups is an alternative.

One Hip Twist – Enter the boat pulse posture, place your fingertips at back while facing hips. Start inhaling while lengthening your legs and roll on to right hip. Now start exhaling while twisting chest. Repeat twisting 3 to 5 times each side.      

Hands & Knee Core Plank – This posture is very beneficial to women who have accumulated post pregnancy weight around stomach. Position your hands and knees, inhale while your hips are placed at centre. You can take assistance of your Personal trainer Atlanta for the same. 

Boat Pulse – This posture lets you work on your lower belly area. Lift your knees and feet up in a boat pose. Interlace your fingers and point arms and fingers in forward direction.

Tree Pose –This posture works over abdominal area and helps in getting rid of flab across belly button area. Under this posture, the entire body weight is shifted to the left leg. 

Other than these, IIFYM Coach in Atlanta suggest that you can follow some of these basic fitness rules such as eating snacks rich in protein between 3 PM to 4 PM. Eating during this time will help in lowering the insulin levels, which otherwise leads to accumulation of weight around belly.